
Managing our land sustainably including consideration of the impacts on biodiversity. What is biodiversity? Put simply, biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life. Healthy and biodiverse ecosystems provide a wide range of services that are of benefit to humans across four broad categories. Human activities can have a significant impact on biodiversity and […]


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Contaminated Land

Managing our land sustainably. What is contaminated land? Contaminated land refers to land that by reason of substances in, on, or under the land, is causing, or could cause, significant harm to people, protected species or pollution to surface and groundwater. Much of our land surrounding the railway has historically been used for things like […]


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Responsibly Sourced Timber

What is responsibly sourced timber? Responsibly sourced timber is procured by Network Rail from sustainably-managed and legal sources. This assures stakeholders that non-sustainable activities, such as illegal logging, are not involved in the supply chain, whilst supporting the conservation of forests and respecting the interests of local communities. Why is responsibly sourced timber important to […]


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Home Safe Plan – The Projects and Programmes

There are 21 projects and programmes within the Home Safe Plan (Integrated Safety Plan) that are designed to make a step change in the safety, health and wellbeing of our people. These are;   +36


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Prevention through Engineering and Design

The aim of this page is to provide a central point for a number of safety related topics, under the banner of “Prevention through Engineering and Design”. It is intended primary for Network Rail staff, but has been provided on safety central to share our thinking and tools. We hope this transparency will generate collaboration […]


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Respiratory hazards – Manager Support

We are aiming to eliminate or reduce the amount of exposure to respiratory hazards such as silica, asbestos, lead and welding fumes, amongst others. Respiratory ill health caused by these substances is preventable and although many substance have the potential to harm, if used properly the risk of harm is reduced to the lowest possible […]


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