Pollution Prevention

Taking action to prevent pollution to air, water and land which might occur as a result of our operations.

What is pollution of land and water?

Land and water pollution is the addition of an unwanted and harmful substance, often as a result of human activity, and can result in harm being caused to the environment and / or human health.  Some examples of when this may occur are; illegally disposing of waste or wastewater, spillages of oils and chemicals, and use of fertilizers and herbicides.

For the management of already contaminated land, refer to the Contaminated Land section.

To learn how waste should be managed responsibly, refer to the Waste section.

Why is the prevention of pollution to land and water important to Network Rail?

Every company is bound by environmental legislation not to cause pollution to land and water. As Network Rail is one of the biggest landowners in the UK, our impact on society, ecology and biodiversity is potentially widespread.  By ensuring our activities are not polluting land and water we are not only protecting our environment but helping to leave a sustainable legacy for future generations and protecting our reputation as a responsible business. Furthermore the financial impacts of causing major pollution to land and water can be significant.

Some examples of pollution sources that we have to control are:

  • Contaminated runoff from drainage systems
  • Oil/chemical storage areas
  • Refuelling/parking areas
  • General leaks from tanks/pipework
  • Contaminated wastewaters (e.g from concrete wash out).

Key contacts:

For specific pollution concerns please contact the National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or follow this link for a number of ways to get in touch.

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