Frontline Safety Critical Communications

Failures or non use of Safety Critical Communications is known to be major or contributing factors when accidents, incidents, near misses and closes calls are investigated.

Frontline Safety Critical Communications is vital for the rail industry to continuously improve and learn from lessons to create a safer working environment. Getting safety communications accurate, brief, clear and professional will help get Everyone Home Safe Every Day.

This is why new material has been produced with industry support, sponsored by the RSSB to improve safety critical communications.

In order to make the industry aware of this work, we are making resources, such as the presentations, training notes called ‘briefing bites’, and the communication manual available for all.

However for competence training, your approved trainer and training provider will need to deliver the materials for formal recognition that this training has been received.

Important notice:

 No one is permitted to use the T1078 Safety Critical Communications training materials unless they are an RSSB member, or when undertaking training/briefing as instructed, on behalf of, or contracted by a member. This includes non-commercial training for or on behalf of contractors working on Network Rail infrastructure. The materials cannot be used for any other purpose including sharing or commercial use.  Copying and rebranding is not allowed as the materials are subject to RSSB copyright. © Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited, 2016. All rights reserved.

 Any clarifications or additional queries can be directed to This publication can also  be accessed by authorised audiences, via the SPARK website:

Safety Hour Discussion Packs

The attached Safety Hour sessions have been designed to be used in safety discussions with your teams.  They were designed in consultation with route teams and contractors to make sure they covered appropriate areas of concern with safety critical communications.

They are appropriate to be used in discussions with COSS, IWA track workers, operations employees from LOMS to Signallers to operations controllers and ECOs, in fact any role that there is the potential to have a safety critical communication. Any conversation that involves the operational railway is safety critical.

Please use them as part of your daily work briefings, as reminders on the importance or safety critical communications, let us make talking about safety a daily item.



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