E&SD Toolbox Talks

Network Rail and its supply chain have created a series of Toolbox Talks to help you meet minimum requirements in relation to managing sustainability risks and improving environmental and social performance. See the full list below. If you are unable to find the guidance you are looking check out our collection of Guidance Notes or […]


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Network Rail provides a mediation service to all of it’s employees, from front line to office – anyone can request the mediation service. What is mediation? If you’ve got a problem with a colleague, mediation is a voluntary, completely confidential way to try and solve it. It helps resolve workplace conflicts without the need to raise a […]


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Railway Sustainability Design Guide

The Railway Sustainability Design Guide has been put together by the Sustainable Land Use Programme with Aecom to provide a resource of materials to support the sustainable management of the railway estate. The guide is available on this link (https://planengageuk.alytics.com/networkrail-digital-sdg/home) but is also published as pdf documents on this page. Background The Government review in […]


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Take 5

What is Take 5? Take 5 is a simple and quick safety check that you can carry out at any stage of an activity. No matter what your role or where you work, it can help you to think about the hazards associated with your work and complete your activities safely. Why do I need […]


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Safety Hour Clapham

December 2018 marks 30 years since the Clapham Junction rail crash. In order for us to remember what happened, what we learned, and how we continue to learn, we have produced materials to allow you to have a local discussion. The materials including two films of Andrew Haines, chief executive Network Rail, who was 5 […]


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Lighting & Controls

Lighting generally accounts for around 40% of a buildings’ electricity use.  In many cases, this load can be significantly reduced with the right type of lighting and effective control. Here you will find information on technologies that may help to better manage lighting energy use and costs. +1


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