Handling aids To reduce the risks of handling it’s always best to have an appropriate aid. Mechanical handling aids can reduce the risk of injury when used correctly. Even simple aids such as trolleys can be used to move items and reduce the likelihood of injury. In some cases more sophisticated manual handling aids may […]
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Things to think about when lifting in a team: Team lifting needs to be coordinated properly. Try and make sure that those lifting are around the same height and build, make sure one person is responsible for giving instructions, etc.. Make sure that everyone lifts, moves off, stops and places the load down at the […]
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As with any other risk, if you can eliminate or avoid the manual handling, this is by far the best option. Consider whether mechanical handling aids could be used. This could range from a simple trolley to more sophisticated aids such as hoists and pulleys. If you cannot eliminate or mechanize the manual handling tasks, […]
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One way to assess manual handling activities is to look at four specific areas – Task, Individual, Load and Environment (easily remembered by the acronym TILE). Note that Load (i.e. weight) is only one of the four factors which determine the risks; the other three issues can be equally, or more, important, depending on circumstances. […]
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What are the risks of manual handling? The Health and Safety Executive state that in 2013 – 2014 manual handling caused nearly a quarter of all reported injuries, with an average of 6.6 working days lost for each. Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries in that year, but the types of injuries which can occur […]
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Basic principles of manual handling Basically, you need to first stop and think – plan the lift, and use appropriate handling aids if possible. Then, here are some basic principles that everyone should observe prior to carrying out a manual handling operation: Ensure that the object is light enough to lift, is stable and unlikely […]
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Network rail has mandated the use of Duplex Communications to improve the machine operator’s ability to communicate with the Machine / Crane Controller. Below you’ll find a selection of briefing materials on how to set up this equipment, including options for ease of use and different headset types. The use of Duplex Communication is mandated, […]
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At Network Rail whilst working on the infrastructure, the health and safety of its employees, contractors, third parties, and those of our neighbours and associates who may be impacted by its business activities is paramount. We believe that everybody should go home safe every day, and that actions taken today should not have an adverse effect on […]
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The Tandem Lift Guidance has been issued to support the selection of OTP Excavator/Cranes to compliantly tandem lift concrete and wood panels based on proximity hazards and track parameters. This guidance is aimed at staff directly involved in planning, selecting, operating, or controlling lifting operations with OTP Excavator/Cranes as well as those involved in managing […]
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This handbook has been issued as a general guide for the range of attachments which are available for On-Track Plant (OTP) used on the Network Rail Managed Infrastructure. The handbook gives brief details of attachments, their scope of use, and any limitations in use, technical details, approval reference numbers where these are available, and the […]
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