Risk reductions

Handling aids

To reduce the risks of handling it’s always best to have an appropriate aid.

  • Mechanical handling aids can reduce the risk of injury when used correctly. Even simple aids such as trolleys can be used to move items and reduce the likelihood of injury.
  • In some cases more sophisticated manual handling aids may be required.
  • Cranes, hoists, pallet trucks, conveyors and fork lift trucks are used extensively in many industries to eliminate manual handling. As the Manual Handling Improvement Programme unfolds, more mechanical aids will be sourced and introduced to help you.
  • Although the handling aids will eliminate many of the manual handling risks, their use will introduce others and these risks must be assessed.
  • Another consideration is that regulations require that many of these items require a periodic statutory inspection on safety critical components.

Storage and filing at work

  • The incorrect storage of items can cause many safety problems, including tripping, falling and manual handling injuries – not to mention other hazards such as fire, etc.
  • Many of these hazards can be prevented by simple common sense and good housekeeping practices.
  • For instance, leaving drawers open can lead to trips and falls, as well as the danger of trapping fingers, etc.

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