Safety Community

Safety Health and Environment Leadership Team (SHELT) W&W

    Safety, Health, Environment, Leadership Team (SHELT) Capital Delivery Wales & Western (CDWW) is committed to working with Supply Chain members in relation to health, safety and the environment, via SHELT. The purpose of SHELT is to share best practice, lessons learnt, and agree strategic implementation of health, safety, environment arrangements. SHELT meets quarterly […]


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Industry Groups

Network Rail and its Infrastructure Projects (IP) Supply Chain work to the Safety Vision. One of the commitments is “to relentlessly strive to find new ways to keep ourselves, colleagues, passengers and the public safe.” Throughout IP and contractors a number of Safety Industry Groups have been set up. These groups work collaboratively, share lessons and […]


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Safety by Design Steering Group

What are our Steering Group priorities? The Steering Group priorities focus on three key themes that have emerged from the discipline working groups. (1) Managing risk: Developing guidance and common rules for the use of warning signs on drawings and also how the Common Safety Methods (CSM) and Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM) […]


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Level Crossings

A level crossing is a point where the railway meets a road or footpath at the same level. There are nearly 6,000 level crossings on the rail network across England, Wales and Scotland. These crossings fall into two broad categories: Passive crossings – there is no warning of a train’s approach other than by the […]


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