Safety by Design Steering Group

What are our Steering Group priorities?

The Steering Group priorities focus on three key themes that have emerged from the discipline working groups.

(1) Managing risk: Developing guidance and common rules for the use of warning signs on drawings and also how the Common Safety Methods (CSM) and Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM) risk assessment requirements can be aligned.  It will also look at ways of improving the GRIP process to better address the way risks are documented and transferred during the project lifecycle.

(2) Communications and Assessing the Impact of SbD: Making better use of Safety Central and the web-based Collaboration Site for storing and sharing SbD information.  Work is underway to establish a mix of leading and lagging measures to help assess the impact of SbD.

(3) Procurement: Adapting Network Rail’s contracts and procurement processes to better promote Safe by Principles on projects.

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