Single Approach to Isolation (OLE)

Moving towards Single Approach to Isolation on Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) will involve a number of key stages.
This is being done in several stages.


First Stage RoLE:
Reminder of Live Exposed (RoLE) equipment was delivered in February 2022 with network-wide deployment.

National Electrical Safety Step Up:
The Step Up will follow later this year (2022) where all front line teams in the industry working on or near the high voltage traction power to participate in this safety event.

Test Before Touch on OLE Standard:
Later this year (2022) a new standard will be published, NR/L3/ELP/27720 to refresh the Life Saving Rules (LSRs) Test Before Touch on OLE.

National Deployment:
The deployment of the Single Approach to Isolation standard will commence at the beginning of 2023. The industry has been consulted on the best approach to deployment through the infrastructure Safety Leadership Group (ISLG), with the feedback being used to inform the deployment approach.

Earthing Strategy Changes:
Changes to the Earthing Strategy are planned later, including the concept of Optimised Earthing which is based on the concept of local worksite earths. These changes are dependent on trials which are being led by the Wales and Western Region to inform next steps.

To view test before touch films click below:

Full film

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

Method 4


Terminology update subtitled (this link is currently only accessible for Network Rail colleagues)

For further information, guidance or feedback; please contact the project team by emailing

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