Tag Archives: Respiratory

Asbestos Awareness

At Network Rail whilst working on the infrastructure, the health and safety of its employees, contractors, third parties, and those of our neighbours and associates who may be impacted by its business activities is paramount. We believe that everybody should go home safe every day, and that actions taken today should not have an adverse effect on […]


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Respiratory hazards – Manager Support

We are aiming to eliminate or reduce the amount of exposure to respiratory hazards such as silica, asbestos, lead and welding fumes, amongst others. Respiratory ill health caused by these substances is preventable and although many substance have the potential to harm, if used properly the risk of harm is reduced to the lowest possible […]


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Breathe Well

There are a number of reasons why we develop breathing problems, the most common reason for going to a hospital A & E department. Conditions that could cause breathing problems include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a type of lung disease usually caused by smoking, or heart disease. Alternatively the problem could be caused […]


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