Scotland’s Railway – Learning from Events Week

Click here to access our 2020 digital booklet.


The Learning from Events Week initiative was first launched last year (3 – 9 June 2019). This was to mark one year on from the tragic fatality at Bearsden in June 2018 and provide an opportunity to focus on significant incidents, key learning and improvement. Following positive engagement and feedback, it is now an annual initiative delivered across Scotland’s Railway.

What is learning from Events Week?

Learning from Events Week provides an opportunity to review unplanned safety and environmental incidents which have occurred over the past year.  The aim is to identify any trends or learning opportunities and deliver practical communications, interactive briefings, information material and other related activity. It also provides an opportunity to promote and share different or improved ways of working and good practice.

This initiative is delivered both internally across Network Rail – Scotland’s Railway, led by the safety team and externally by our supply chain with support from Network Rail.


All our resources and materials are available to the right of this page or at the bottom if using a mobile or other handheld device. Also, click here for our 2020 digital booklet.

Please contact should you have any questions.

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