Commitments, Rules and Policies

Preventing Points Run Through Letter 14.March.17.

Preventing Points Run Through Letter 14.March.17. Network Rail has taken the decision to mandate the implementation of additional controls for the movement of OTMs and OTPs within worksites. The additional control shall include the deployment of Til’ Dawn Lamps (TDL) where there are movements planned over switches and crossings (S&C). The process is mandated for […]

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270217 letter re eye protection and hand protection…

270217 letter re eye protection and hand protection… From 1st April 2017 Principal Contractors working at a Network Rail Infrastructure Projects worksite will have in place suitable systems to control the risk of eye and hand injuries. The basic principle will be that all staff working on site will as a minimum wear appropriate eye […]

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Network Rail Chester DU Driver Safety Film Colleagues Network Rail Chester Delivery Unit, in late 2016 experienced a road traffic accident. They have made this short film to pass on their experiences, importance of seatbelt wearing and employing defensive driving techniques.

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