Electrical Safety Culture

Why Electrical Safety Culture? It’s not what we do, but how we do it, which causes accidents, and the behaviours and culture we observe have contributed to electrical safety incidents. Changing processes, procedures and implementing new technology alone will not solve these issues. Improving our electrical safety culture across the Industry is the foundation for […]


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High Output

The High Output team have produced a series of “talking head” films, with members across the country, talking about their real life experiences. For a full search of High Output films please click here +25


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Risk Management

What is Think RISK? Think RISK is a campaign to help to stop you and your colleagues getting injured at work. Quite simply, it is a series of prompts for you to think through when you’re doing your job, and help identify and manage safety risks more effectively.   What do I need to do? […]


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New Video – Responding to colleagues’ feedback To download the video please right click on the link at the side of the page called, ‘VTS responding to colleagues’ feedback’ and select ‘Save target as’. Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) A Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) is being fitted into Network Rail fleet vehicles to provide drivers with […]


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Energy-Link and Published Data

Network Rail Energy Link is our new easy-access energy management system, through which our energy billing and data is processed, managed and stored.  This new system replaces the Railway Energy Database (RED) and holds detailed information on the metering assets and their consumption. The system can be accessed via: https://nr.systems-link.com/default.aspx To request access to Energy […]


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Energy and Carbon

‘To accelerate Network Rail’s Energy & Carbon commitments and governmental targets, a programme has been launched aiming to drive and support green initiatives across the organisation. These include the installation of smart metering at managed stations, developing and integrating reduced carbon design and renewables generation and storage.’ The efficient use of energy is critical to […]


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Contaminated Land

Managing our land sustainably. What is contaminated land? Contaminated land refers to land that by reason of substances in, on, or under the land, is causing, or could cause, significant harm to people, protected species or pollution to surface and groundwater. Much of our land surrounding the railway has historically been used for things like […]


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Responsibly Sourced Timber

What is responsibly sourced timber? Responsibly sourced timber is procured by Network Rail from sustainably-managed and legal sources. This assures stakeholders that non-sustainable activities, such as illegal logging, are not involved in the supply chain, whilst supporting the conservation of forests and respecting the interests of local communities. Why is responsibly sourced timber important to […]


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