Electrical Safety Toolbox Talks

Keeping our people safe around high voltage The primary goal of the Electrical Safety Delivery (ESD) programme is aimed at improving electrical safety by introducing new technologies and changes in the way we work around high voltage, supporting Network Rail’s safety vision of “everyone home safe every day”. The majority of the time, people go […]


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Electrical safety bulletins

Safety Advice NRA18-12-Lifesaving Rules_Test Before Touch on 25kV OLE Safety Advice NRA20-01-Arc Flash PPE_Updated Requirements Safety Advice NRA20-02-Safe Isolations Safety Advice NRA20-06-Wooden Poles on the Railway Infrastructure Safety Advice NRA20-09-Cotec C31 Live Line Indicators Safety Advice NRA20-10-Withdrawal of the HVD03 2D Live Line Indicator from use by Network Rail Staff Safety Advice NRA20-14-Safe Isolations_Access and […]


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Railway Sustainability Design Guide

The Railway Sustainability Design Guide has been put together by the Sustainable Land Use Programme with Aecom to provide a resource of materials to support the sustainable management of the railway estate. The guide is available on this link (https://planengageuk.alytics.com/networkrail-digital-sdg/home) but is also published as pdf documents on this page. Background The Government review in […]


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Utility Standards & Processes

Standards and controls pertaining to utilities are managed and maintained by the Central Energy Management Team.  They are currently being reviewed, and will be uploaded on completion. Route Utility Specialists are responsible for maintaining the utility supply change process. All requests for new supplies, disconnections and changes to supplies MUST be made through them. Route […]


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Weather Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation

Creating a railway that is safe and more resilient to the effects of weather, now and in the future. How does weather affect our assets? Weather is what can be observed over a short period of time, such as intense or prolonged rainfall, heatwaves, cold snaps, hurricanes and snow. For example, excessive rainfall can flood […]


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