Network Rail Telecom

Network Rail Telecom (NRT) is the company’s national, telecoms asset management function. NRT owns all of the company’s telecoms assets. Close to 20,000km of fibre-optic cable (the UK’s third largest network), backed up by 18,000km of hard cable and 2,500 masts, provide state-of-the-art communication services for the whole railway network. Apart from the technical challenges […]


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E&SD PACE Tools & Templates

On this page you will find links to the PACE Products EN1: Environment and Social Appraisal and EN3: Review and Acceptance Form. This page also includes the Environment and Social Management Plan template, the Environment and Social Site Inspection template, and good practice guidance notes.   PACE EN1: Environment and Social Appraisal (ESA) Tool The […]


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HSE Fatigue and Risk Index (FRI) Calculator

The Fatigue Risk Index (FRI)
The Fatigue Risk Index (FRI) has been withdrawn from the HSE website. The reasons for this are:

The software platform is an older Excel that can no longer be supported on the HSE website.
The design of the FRI requires improvement to promote better understanding of its outputs, its limitations and its role in a Fatigue Management System.
In its current format, there have been case of the FRI being issued in order to justify work patterns that clearly require further action t reduce fatigue-relate risk.
FRI users who have access to the FRI in its current format can continue to use it, provided you have the necessary expertise to use the tool and understand the outputs and limitations.

Following feedback we are making the tool available, as well as how to documents, to aid with calculations.

Media / document (xlsm)

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Modern Slavery

It’s estimated that there are 40.3 million people living in modern slavery worldwide – 136,000 of these in the UK.  At Network Rail we’re committed to doing business in a sustainable and responsible way. This includes a commitment to do all that we reasonably can to prevent all forms of modern slavery in our supply […]


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