Lessons Learnt

Network Rail are now producing ‘Lessons Learnt’ publications following events which have led to Formal investigations or local investigations where significant points of learning have resulted.

We believe these lessons will be of value for all involved in the industry and not just safety professionals, they are ultimately designed to aid prevention of events of a similar nature happening again elsewhere.

Network Rail’s National Recommendations Review Panel (NRRP) routinely reviews reports and now identifies where the industry would benefit from sharing the lessons learnt. If you are leading an investigation and believe the industry would benefit from a lessons learnt document please make your DCP aware and if agreed appropriate send your draft to the Network Rail Infrastructure Projects (IP) Safety and Sustainable Development team or the Corporate Investigation Manager for review.

Lessons learnt documentation

For more details please contact Mick O’Brien. Mick.O’brien@networkrail.co.uk

Thameslink programme lessons learnt

Share With…

Throughout Network Rail in recent times a number of Share With Pride, or Share With Pain documents have been produced. These documents have been produced in order to share the learning from events either good or bad throughout local human networks.

We would like to share these with the Safety Central community as a further way to share this learning.

NB These documents have been produced at a local level, and should be used as guidance or information and not as Formal Learning from Investigations.

SNE event learning

Sharing our Lessons Learned is vital if we want to improve our safety performance across both our own organisation and the wider rail industry.

These event learning guides highlight specific issues encountered on-site, as well as demonstrating appropriate action to help individuals and teams learn from past behaviours and challenge unsafe practices.

if you have any questions on any of the events please contact S&SDSNE@networkrail.co.uk


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