Energy and Carbon Maturity Matrix

This tool allows you to self-assess where you are on your energy management journey, and provides the steps you need to take to achieve best practice.  Each column is a key area of integrated energy management, and each row is a level of maturity.  Self-assessment is easy – simply plot in each column your closest current status, against the descriptions in the box.  Once the plots are connected you can easily see your current level of maturity and, perhaps more importantly, where you might aspire to be.  The test in the boxes provides your action plan for progression up the maturity scale.

Energy Carbon Maturity Matrix

Download the Energy and Carbon Maturity Matrix from the menu on the right hand side of the page.

The matrix can also provide a maturity score.  On the ‘Scoring’ tab, enter the number you have assessed as your current status into the appropriate box on the blank matrix.  For example, if you have scored a 2 for Policy & Strategy, then enter 2 in that box – and so on.  Once complete you will have your score.  The optimum score is 40.

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