NSCD Operator – Operating the NSCD – How to Video
Negative Short Circuiting Devices (NSCDs) provide protection to the isolation and prevent inadvertent re-energisation. NSCDs negate the need for applying short circuiting straps on the DC third rail electrified infrastructure. The documentation provided is available to support the roll out of NSCDs and their operation and is for those who hold the NSCD Operator competency […]
The four films on this page have been developed by the standardised task team at the request of the OLE Competence Development Group. The Overhead Line Equipment CDG is responsible for all OLE technical and safety training and assessment material. It has representatives from PD&T, STE, IP, Maintenance (Delivery Units and Works Delivery), Overhead Condition […]
Electricity is one of the key workforce safety risks when working on the tracks. Electrified railway can be can be above the track on the Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) and on the ground in some areas via the 3rd rail d.c. conductor rail power supply, and even below us in buried cables. We want […]