School programmes

The safety of people on and around the railway is our priority. Education is key, especially for young people.

Our education programme provides teachers, youth leaders, professionals working with young people and parents with resources that will engage young people when talking about rail safety issues. The materials have been developed with teachers to match curriculum areas and deliver Ofsted teaching requirements.

Below you can find information about resources available for key stages 1 to 4 teachers and parents. Please click on the relevant title to access the resources available.

In addition to this our Safety Community hub on our company website includes a range of videos, advice and information on rail safety created by young people for young people, aimed at 12 to 17 year olds.

Educational resources

Primary schools – Key Stage 1 and 2

Lesson plan activities help you run fun, interactive classes about rail safety and even include a song, Cross Safe. An assembly kit provides for an interactive assembly about level crossing safety. These resources can also be used by community groups to organise activities.

Tackling Track Safety Through Sport, launched by Paul Scholes in December 2015 is an initiative which aims to cut the number of young people who are killed or injured after trespassing on the railway.

Secondary schools – Key Stage 3 and 4

The lesson plan activities help you run engaging classes on rail safety across a number of curriculum areas. The assembly kit provides resources for an interactive and thought-provoking assembly about level crossing safety. These can also be used by community groups to organise activities.


Information for parents includes a factsheet explaining how to use level crossings safely and a safety guide which explains the dangers of being on the railway.

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