Principal Contractor Licensing (PCL)

Suppliers who want to operate as a Principal Contractor (PC) as defined by Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 must hold a licence issued by Network Rail to discharge these duties on Network Rail Managed Infrastructure.

The PC Licence is governed by NR Standard NR/L2/INI/CP0070.

The Principal Contractor Licence team (PCL) manage the risk of Principal Contractors discharging their duties on behalf of Network Rail and:

  • Assure organisations who act as Principal Contractor (PC) on behalf of Network Rail, have appropriate and robust HSQE management systems to effectively discharge their duties under the Construction (Design and  Management) Regulations 2015 and meet the additional requirements of Network Rail.
  • Provide continued assurance of the organisation’s ongoing suitability to effectively discharge their duties.

The PCL team  send out important information and correspondence issued specifically to Principal Contractors (PCs) for review and action if required.  These correspondences are issued directly to organisations who hold a PC Licence.

For further information please contact

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