National safety framework 2023

National Safety Framework developments

We launched our National Safety Framework back in July 2021, in response to tragic workforce fatalities at Margam, Roade, Eastleigh and Surbiton. The Framework aims to address workforce safety risk, thus preventing life changing accidents and workforce fatalities.

Since then, we’ve launched improvement programmes such as Route Services ‘Safe Service’ to help our staff know its ok to speak up on safety matters and help us improve our control of risks, undertaken annual ORR-designed Risk Management Maturity Mode (RM3) assessments, reviewed and checked our Lifesaving Rules were still valid and provided leadership development programme for frontline leaders. We’ve seen our safety performance metrics improve, a highlight of which has been achieving our lowest ever fatality weighted index figure.

That said, we are very conscious that in the same timeframe, we have sadly lost two colleagues one was crushed whilst a crane undertook a lift and a scaffolding inspector fell through a fragile roof.

In our pursuit of goal for everyone going home safe, every day, we have decided to evolve the Framework so that it is a system safety-led framework. This means the Framework will go beyond workforce safety risk and incorporate wider colleague safety and wellbeing, passenger safety via our stations and infrastructure, and public safety.

We are sharing the framework as for you as suppliers,  you may find our approach useful. If you would like we can organise an update with questions and answers, please let us know.

The ‘National Safety Framework 2023’ doc (PDF) can be viewed by clicking the link in the ‘Attachments’ column.

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