Close Call

A Close Call is defined as anything that is likely to cause harm or damage.

This includes the potential to:

  • Harm a person including minor, major injuries, and fatalities
  • Harm the environment and/or protected species
  • Damage railway infrastructure, plant, vehicles, tools, equipment, systems and information

What’s the difference between a Close Call and an incident?

A Close Call is something that is likely to happen, whereas an incident has already taken place.

For example, if a trip hazard is spotted it can be reported as a Close Call because someone could trip over it. If someone actually trips because of the hazard, it is then classed as an incident.

What to do if you see a Close Call

Safety is everyone’s responsibility, if you see something that could cause harm or damage follow these three steps:

  • Recognise – Could it cause harm or damage?
  • Respond – What can you do?
    • Fix the situation, if you can do so safely – then report it
    • Always challenge unsafe behaviour – then report it
    • Inform others around you so they are aware of any risk.
  • Report – Always report Close Calls

Reporting a Close Call 

Reporting Close Calls means that we can remove immediate risks and understand strategically where we need to make improvements by identifying areas of high risk and taking steps to prevent more serious incidents from occurring.

All Close Calls under Network Rail’s area of responsibility, along with Close Calls bulk uploaded by Principal Contractors and Suppliers, will make their way to the Close Call System for industry analysis.

To ensure that timely action is taken to address any risks identified, the first step is to decide which is the most appropriate channel for you to report your Close Call.

Please note from 27 Feb 2024, the Close Call Telephone Helpdesk will no longer operate.

Please see below for the options available.


I’m working on railway infrastructure, in a Network Rail building, or travelling on Network Rail business

Internal Network Rail staff:

Report via the Network Rail “Safety Events” mobile app
Graphic representing a mobile screen with the title 'Safety Events'

  • The app should automatically be available on your mobile device
  • If you do not have access to a mobile device, report via desktop option below
  • Any issues with accessing the app, please email
  • NR users can also visit the Safety Events sharepoint site for further information

Report via the “Safety Events” Desktop version

Network Rail users who do not have access to Network Rail mobile devices, can report Close Calls from laptop/desktop devices by using the Webform Safety Events Desktop version.

Safety Events Reporters (desktop) for Network Rail users


External Users raising Close Calls to NR:

Close Calls requiring Network Rail attention to resolve must be reported through our Close Call webform:

Close Call Report form for external users

A demonstration of the web form can be found here:


If you have any issues please email


I’m working on railway infrastructure managed by a Principal Contractor

Users must report Close Calls via the contractor Close Call system

Details should be given in site induction, if in doubt, speak to your supervisor or Health & Safety Representative.


I’m a Principal Contractor and I need access to bulk upload resolved close calls

For contractors who previously submitted bulk upload “closed” close calls via the RSSB portal into Network Rail, from 26 March 2024, there is a new process. A template should have been sent to you with details of the new process and the new email address for submission.

If you have not received this, please request access by emailing and we will share the template and updated process details with you.

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