Relevant Guidance
Any Line Open (ALO) working is not a new concept and this methodology had been implemented for many years under British Rail and Railtrack. However its use over the last few years has increased as Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI) strives to maximise train paths to meet customer and stakeholder demands. This is in parallel with an increase in amount of work being delivered by Network Rail. Effectively managing the risks posed by construction plant or machinery working alongside lines open to traffic is one of Network Rail’s highest priorities.
Code of Practice for Any Line Open Working, can be found on the RSSB Standards Catalogue,
Guidance Document COP0032
COP 0032 ‘Code of Practice for Any Line Open Working’ replaced Guidance for Managing working next to lines open to traffic on 1st September 2016.
The main change introduced by COP0032 is to risk control systems. Risk controls formerly managed under Control Systems 1, 2 and 3 have now been replaced with new controls within COP0032 (sections 3.3 to 3.5) which states when a low or high performance level Movement Limiting Device (MLD) must be fitted.