HMAP-formThe health management action plan (HMAP) forms a record of discussions between line manager and employee, together with control measures implemented by Network Rail as a safeguard regarding an employee’s health and wellbeing.
The health management action plan form has been developed to assist Network Rail line managers in managing health in the workplace, and can be found in the attachment section of this page.
There are a number of reasons for creating an HMAP and these include, but are not limited to:
- any diagnosis of occupational health (OH) disease, including hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), occupational respiratory diseases
- where outcomes of stress risk assessment (SRA) are moderate/high
- where outcomes of a management referral to OH indicate that additional control measures are needed in the workplace
- where an employee is returning to work from an absence relating to mental health
- where an employee discloses a health concern to their line manager
- where concerns have been noted by a line manager regarding the employee’s health and wellbeing
- Where a requirement for a Fatigue Management plan has been identified in relation to the application of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/003 – Fatigue Risk Management.