First Aid

Welcome to the First Aid page

Network Rail’s First Aid at Work standard NR/L2/OHS/00110 sets out:

  • the arrangements for the provision of first aid in the workplace or at site of work; and
  • the method for assessing risks to determine what first aid equipment and facilities are required.

Please use the links to the right of this page to access information on:

  • the technical briefing for the standard update (this takes approximately 15 minutes to complete);
  • frequently asked questions (FAQs);
  • the first aid arrangements template; and
  • a suggested casualty evacuation process to follow, when there is an injured person on or near the line who needs first aid/medical attention.

If you have any questions on the updated standard, please send them to

There is also further information on Coping with Trauma following an incident, and Defibrillators

Purchasing first aid supplies (Network Rail employees)

First aid kits and consumable items can be purchased via the Office Supplies Oracle catalogue. This includes standard kit items, first aider Personal Protective Equipment, critical injury kits (including tourniquets and haemostatic dressings).

If you need assistance in procuring first aid kit equipment, please contact

If you are looking to install a defibrillator, please contact Network Rail’s contracted provider to arrange a site survey and discuss your needs

Arranging first aid training (Network Rail employees)

First aid training courses should be enrolled on via Oracle, speak to your line manager if you need any assistance with this.

All Network Rail first aid at work courses now include the management of catastrophic bleeds. Following the latest first aid guidance by the European Resuscitation Council, it is advised that tourniquets and haemostatic dressings can now be used as part of first aid when direct pressure is not effective in controlling a life-threatening bleed.





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