
Network Rail provides a mediation service to all of it’s employees, from front line to office – anyone can request the mediation service.

What is mediation?

If you’ve got a problem with a colleague, mediation is a voluntary, completely confidential way to try and solve it.

It helps resolve workplace conflicts without the need to raise a grievance, and often only takes four weeks from the moment you get in touch.

Mediation can help anyone, whether you’ve fallen out with a colleague, disagree with your manager, or have any kind of personal conflict
with someone in your team. It can’t guarantee to make you best friends, but *80% of the time it will make your work life better.

*On average, 80% of Network Rail mediation cases reach a successful outcome.

What can you expect from mediation sessions?

The mediator, a fully trained Network Rail employee, will meet you and the other person individually to discuss the circumstances surrounding the issue. You’ll then be invited to an informal, joint meeting, where you’ll both be given time to share your thoughts. The mediator will guide you through the process, working towards a resolution that you’re both happy with. They’ll also record the next steps you’ve agreed on.

This short animation helps explain the process, and what you can expect from mediation at Network Rail:

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