Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group (ISLG)

Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group (

Created in 1996, the long-established Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group, (ISLG) is a high-profile and respected forum which represents the principal contractor and principal designer communities and their supply chains. It brings together rail professionals to collaboratively manage health, safety and wellbeing issues faced by the infrastructure community.

ISLG enables:

  • Members to gain access to important health, safety, and sustainability information and development work;
  • Clients to feel confident that they are talking to their key contractors about safety and sustainability;
  • Briefings to occur to inform members and provide immediate feedback to clients;
  • Contractors to get involved with industry initiatives;
  • Contractors to organise feedback from operational experience and take action to create or track change if required.

This 56-member strong group is also the parent group of the Infrastructure Safety Leadership Group Fatigue Working Group (ISLG FWG) and the Railway Infrastructure Sustainability Forum (RISF).

If you would like to get in touch with the group, please contact the Assistant Strategy Implementation Manager at:


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