Sentinel Rule Breaches

The current Sentinel Scheme Rules have been in place since March 2020. There is a letter of instruction NR/BS/LI/326 – Standard affected NR/L2/OHS/050 (Issue 4) Sentinel Scheme Rules stating that the rules on the Rail Sentinel website are to be followed for both Network Rail and its contractors.

This page contains documents that explains the process to ensure individual breaches of the Sentinel Scheme Rules are correctly dealt with, as well as an overview of recent Sentinel Scheme Rule breaches.



An investigation is conducted by their Primary Sponsor who must not allow individuals to work for another sponsor while the investigation process takes place. This ensures other sponsors are not taking on individuals who are being investigated for allegedly breaching the Sentinel Scheme Rules and subsequently end up being suspended or having a key competence Taken Down for a set period.

This investigation must follow the ‘Fair Culture’ Consequences Model and include a statement from the individual in response to the allegation. Once completed the Local Investigation report needs to be submitted to  The report and recommendations are then considered for a Sentinel Scheme outcome by the Formal Review panel.

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