Living with Mental Health

Introduction Mental health conditions, such as stress, depression, anxiety and bi-polar disorder, are becoming more common in the UK and it’s estimated that 1 in 4 of us will experience some kind of mental health issue each year. Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of people who have […]


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Lessons Learnt

Network Rail are now producing ‘Lessons Learnt’ publications following events which have led to Formal investigations or local investigations where significant points of learning have resulted. We believe these lessons will be of value for all involved in the industry and not just safety professionals, they are ultimately designed to aid prevention of events of […]


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Coping with Trauma

Traumatic Events At some point in your working life it’s possible you may witness or be involved in a traumatic event. Accidents and illnesses can happen out of the blue, at work and in our personal lives too, so it helps to know how you might react and the best way to handle these situations. […]


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